Thursday, January 6, 2011

Again, Twelfth Night

It's Twelfth Night - the night of epiphany, of recognition and awakening. From the darkest days of the year we need to look towards the light, celebrated around the globe, regardless of creed, in different cultures down through the eons, a place of dark rebirth into the brilliant new days ahead. How can we globally connect to create a different way of collaborating that leads to new ways of behaving as a society, as governments, as businesses and as individuals? An epiphany of sorts is presented in a new book that follows up on a 2007 management book and offers a transformative approach to using open source to collectively approach solutions to sustainability, business and political issues. In her review of this book,"Macrowikinomics", Elaine Cohen states:

In what other ways can Macrowikinomics move us forward as a global society? Enter the chapter that deals with climate change, and the way mass collaboration can save the planet. Tapscott and Williams talk about the "erroneous assumption underlying conventional wisdom… that politicians and other powerful interests can manage climate change with new regulations issued from a patchwork of national capitals around the world," urging us to push for an approach that requires less central control and more self-organized mass collaboration.

Dynamic innovation, supported by good research and global collaboration, are presented as a means of addressing the global financial and environmental turmoil we're facing now, a turmoil brought on by our collective historic behavior. In order to implement a rapid reversal, or transformation of our current systems, there needs to be a dynamic, interconnected collaboration and development of solutions that address the multivalent systemic problems erupting across the globe. It's a chance to move away from destructive processes and create regenerative solutions to the myriad issues that human society is creating.

It's new thinking for a needed new world.